How to add text in Shotcut video editor - Shotcut Tutorials

What this tutorial?

This is the 5th tutorial of the Shotcut video editor tutorial series. Last tutorial I told about how to chroma key in Shotcut. This tutorial I am going to tell you how to add text to your videos very easily. Shotcut has more tools to add text. But this tutorial I will tell you about the text: Simple video filter.

How to add

You can add text to your video track using Shotcut filters. You can go to filters in Shotcut using  Ctrl + 6 hotkey or click the filter button on the toolbar. Then select the video track you want to add a text. Now you can add a filter using + mark and select 'text: Simple' video filter. Now you can see your video effect is added to your video track.

How to use

After adding Text: Simple, you can see your video added text. You can change the text using the 'Text' box. You can type any kind of text you want in this box. If you want to add a time counter, frame counter, and more you can use the 'Insert field'.


You can change the font color, font type using this. To change the font type firstly you want to click the box in front of the font color. Then you can see the open new window in Shotcut. you can change the font type, font size, and more font settings you want. If you want to change the text size you must want to tick 'Use Font Size'.

Outline and Background

 You can change the outline color and outline Thickness using the outline option. And if you want to add a background color to your text you can use the background option. You can change the background color and padding using this option.

Size and position

If you want to change the size of your text you can click the corner of your text in preview and change the size you want. And you can use the 'Size' option and type the text size you want. These options are good only if you didn't use font size.

 You can change the position using the middle button in your text. Change the position click the button in the middle of your text and drag and drop the position you want. And you can use the 'Position' option and type position you want.

 There is another way to change the portion of your text. It is 'Horizontal fit' and 'Vertical fit'. You can change the text position using Horizontal fit and Vertical fit very easily.

 Now you can add simple text to your videos.

 This is not the only thing about Shotcut text. You can add animation, 3D text, and more. I will tell you all about Shotcut texts in feature tutorials.

Thank you for reading, If you have any questions comment down below. Have a nice day.
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